I have been talking to more and more of my co-years, and they are all equally wonderful. I could write pages about the small glimpses I have of them and how I cannot wait to live with them. All of them.
I got my vaccinations today!
Not many big words coming to mind right now, this is a simple post. Which is nice.
With school behind me, and this being the official first day of 'freedom' I am struck by how fast time goes. Two weeks ago, I dreamed about this moment, this day. Of nothing and anything, of liberty. Summer has never come so unexpectedly. Before I knew it, I had to clean out my locker, clean out that little part of ESQ that held a bit of me, a bit of my broken pencils and scrap paper and old tea mug and discarded jackets. A locker that witnessed all the hasty conversations between TA neighbours and quick study sessions before school. All the tutoring, eating, leaning, laughing, walking that happened in front of that locker, and now it's closed and empty and ready to hold a new person's memories.
So this is it, then? I'm officially in limbo. In that scary but blissful place where I choose my own deadlines and I don't have a different place associated with my days. Just home. Between Victoria and Paud.
To keep me busy and give me some purpose, I will be in an experimental and interactive theater production based on the book 'Unsettling the settler within.', which hopes to put the relationships between the Canadian Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals in a new light. I will also be a youth delegate at an environmental education conference happening at the University of Victoria, which I am extremely excited for. This weekend I will be driving a car filled with friends, guitars, recording equipment and camping stuff to a nearby island to volunteer and hang out for a weekend at the Campbell Bay Music Festival and record some songs with my little band!
I'm confused but excited and calm but freaking out. I don't understand how to wrap my head around any of this and I wish I could. Breathe, breathe, breathe.
I will miss Gary oaks. and arbutus' and baby raccoon. I saw baby raccoon today, they were unbelievably cute.
I'm happy.